Wednesday, February 6, 2013

My Own Gordian Knot

So many things to write about yet I can not seem to focus on just one. Each thing seems to connect together in this Gordian knot. The myth behind the knot claimed who ever undid would be ruler over Asia, such immense power and authority for simply untying a rope. So if Alexander the Great, who eventually sliced through the rope to remove the knot and ruled, managed to use a sword to destroy his obstacle what can I use? It is not as if my memories and emotions are something material such a rope that I can just take a knife and cut, so what avenues does that leave me to slice with?

This legendary rope was tied to an ox-cart, a thing used for traveling and business. Just as in the legend this knot in my life has halted each other aspect of my life. I am disabled therefore I do not work, I attended school until my health finally gave out so much that I could not continue, I have issues simply trying to restart all of that because of my anxiety disorders...I have stopped moving through life and am tied up to this place sitting here at my computer day after day knowing I am made for some purpose but still stuck.

As I am sure for generations people tried to untie this cart using their own logic, the issue with that is simple. Individual logic is limited by the persons experience. Eventually enough things happen in life and our expertise is finally narrowed into a small way of thinking. This is not permanent however as the human mind is capable of constant change. Alexander the Great allowed himself to learn from some of the great men of his time and not just in one subject. Through his own experience and the knowledge of other matters passed on to him by wiser men he managed to find a way to sever the knot that held the cart.

So what can I, a sick and neurotic young woman take from this great legend? I know from experience that my own knowledge is not enough to conquer the challenge that is binding me to where I am. I have been trying that for far to long without a bit of success. Therefore I need the assistance of others not just in the topics that plague me but in as many areas that I can find. Only then will I be able to find the blade that can undo this knot in my life.

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